Community Outreach
Community Outreach
Twin Lakes Community’s mission to “empower all members of our community to live, work and serve to their fullest potential” extends beyond our campus through the work our residents, staff and organization do in the broader community.
Organizations We Have Supported
Each year, Twin Lakes commits more than $2 million in charitable care and community benefit through resident care, monetary gifts and volunteer service to organizations who mission and values reflect our shared priorities. Organizations we have supported through the years include:
- Alamance Community College
- Alamance County Meals on Wheels
- Burlington Housing Authority
- Town of Elon Fire Department
- Elon University
- Habitat for Humanity of Alamance County
- Lutheran Services in America
- Salvation Army of Alamance County
"Lanes of Light" Holiday Light Drive
Each December, Twin Lakes Community hosts the “Lanes of Light” holiday light drive through collecting money to benefit Meals on Wheels and the Salvation Army. Since inception, this event has collected donations used to purchase more than 460 tons of food.
Support Twin Lakes
As a non-profit organization Twin Lakes Community depends on charitable donations to enhance its current offerings, improve programs and services and support fellow residents in need. Twin Lakes has been blessed with generous support through the years from residents, families, board members, staff and community members.
The following options are available to support Twin Lakes:
- Resident Assistance Fund
Provides on-going financial support for residents who have outlived their resources - Resident Assistance Endowment Fund
Endowed fund providing on-going financial support for residents who have outlived their resources - Coble Creek, Deacon Pointe and Moneta Springs Funds
Provides funding for these individual facilities offering specialized programs for those residents - Employee Assistance Fund
Provides financial support for employees of Twin Lakes experiencing hardship resulting from an unexpected event - Arts Programming Fund
Advances the arts in our community through programming, activities and displays of original artwork to our residents and across our campus - Chapel Fund
Funding to serve the pastoral care and spiritual needs of Twin Lakes residents and their families
Please contact Laura McDaniel, Director of Resident and Community Resources, 336-538-1516 or, to inquire about opportunities for funding or collaboration.

Donate Today
Every gift to Twin Lakes is meaningful and deeply appreciated. If you need more information about how to make a gift or to discuss giving options, please contact Jeanne DuVall, Director of Charitable Giving and Volunteer Services, or 336-538-1516.
Gifts to Twin Lakes Community should be made payable to Twin Lakes Community and mailed to:
3701 Wade Coble Drive
Burlington, NC 27215
To make a secure donation online you may click the Donate Now button below.
Volunteers enhance our community in many ways through their service to our residents and community. Twin Lakes welcomes volunteers of all ages to participate in programs and activities across every level of care. Throughout the year, volunteers share their talents and time through a variety of activities and opportunities. Each summer we welcome teenage students to participate in our YESS! Summer program.
Additionally, Twin Lakes residents and staff members are active in the broader community, seeking opportunities to serve local organizations.If you are interested in volunteering at Twin Lakes or would like to invite Twin Lakes residents to serve, please contact Jennifer Le, or 336-585-2351.