CCRC Senior Living: What to Know

Choosing a Continuing Care Retirement Community is one of the biggest decisions anyone will ever make. Also known as Life Plan Communities, CCRCs provide a range of senior residency options and care levels based on the needs of older adults. When the time comes to choose the right place, you’ll need to take an in-depth […]

Embracing Change: Navigating the Holidays Amid New Circumstances

Written by Twin Lakes Community’s Chaplain, Patrick Cardwell   At this time of the year, I remember fondly the days of Thanksgivings gone by, when my family and I would always take a walk together after the meal. There was a large grassy field behind our house, bordered by some woods. One year, we were […]

Socializing for Seniors: Benefits & More

Social interaction is important for overall well-being. Having a social network improves our physical and psychological health and gives meaning to life. Unfortunately, some older adults struggle with socializing, which could explain why almost half of them are at risk of social isolation. Socialization for seniors can sometimes take work. Yet, it could significantly improve […]

Top Exercises for Seniors

Staying active at every age is very important. Seniors are especially encouraged to pursue physical fitness to enjoy benefits such as better sleep, increased energy levels, lower joint pain, and more independence. However, not all types of physical activities are safe for older adults. Experts recommend low-impact exercises for seniors, ideally spread out throughout the […]

A third-generation family follows parents to Twin Lakes Community.

Folks move to life plan communities, also known as CCRCs, for various reasons. The primary reason people choose a particular community is because they have friends or family who have shared with them the beauty, value, and care they have found living there. At Twin Lakes, many second-generation family members have followed a relative to […]

Twin Lakes Veterans Honored with Flight to Washington, DC

The backgrounds of those who live and work at Twin Lakes are diverse, but a common thread among many residents is time spent serving our country. Four Twin Lakes veterans recently joined 100 of their peers on a trip to Washington, DC for the Triad Honor Flight. Their time in DC and return to cheering […]

Twin Lakes Community for an Active Adult Lifestyle

Twin Lakes Community has been home to thousands of residents over our 40-year history. It attracts folks from just down the road and those from across the country. The local area maintains a unique and pleasant balance of small-town southern charm with benefits afforded by neighboring Triad and Triangle metropolitan areas. With two interstate highways […]

CCRC Benefits in Burlington, NC

Making the decision to move into a Continuing Care Retirement Community, also known as a CCRC or Lifeplan Community, can be difficult.  A host of emotions along with endless questions can keep you awake at night.  What is a CCRC? When do I start my research?  How many communities should I visit?  Which communities?  Will […]

Dementia Care Tips

Dementia is an overarching term to describe various symptoms of cognitive decline that affect 10% of Americans 65 and older. Symptoms like forgetfulness or trouble communicating can cause difficulties in day to day living. Though there is no cure for dementia, advances in technology can ease the caregiving burden and help keep those diagnosed more […]

Ready to Retire? 5 Key Considerations for Your Future

Considering retirement can feel overwhelming. Am I ready to leave the workforce? Do I have enough money saved? If these are questions you’ve asked yourself, hopefully, this blog will bring you ease. Here are five things you need to know before you retire. Knowledge is gold  Making informed decisions in different planning areas can increase […]

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